Fee Arrangements

At Bissinger, Oshman, Williams & Strasburger, we focus on your unique facts, weaving them into a narrative that meets the letter of the law, but also resonates with the moral judgment and common sense of the judge, jury, or arbitrator deciding your case. This is a method we’ve refined over several years and it’s helped us achieve consistently successful results on behalf of our clients.

We like sharing our clients’ risk.

Although we handle much of our work under standard billable arrangements, we often handle cases on a contingent fee, fixed fee, or hybrid arrangement. We have won more than $500 million in verdicts and settlements under such arrangements.

A lawyer with a tangible financial interest in the case not only wants to win as much as possible for the client (and share in the bounty), but to seize that bounty as soon as possible. We have seen how that incentive works both ways: lawyers with skin in the game almost always move faster, and often much faster, than lawyers with no such experience. They have focus. They keep it simple. They have the seasoned judgment to know when more discovery, more motions, or more work in other areas will lead nowhere and may even undermine the client’s interests. Contingent-fee agreements work wonders as a risk management tool.

Even in billable matters, our contingent-fee experience has made us better lawyers. You may ask yourself – whether you are the plaintiff or defendant – if you want to hire a lawyer who never tries cases on his or her own dime. Do you have a matter in which would benefit from giving your lawyer a piece of the action? We would be happy to visit with you.