Experienced trial attorney John B. Strasburger has joined Houston’s Bissinger, Oshman & Williams as a name partner. Effective July 1, the litigation boutique will be known as Bissinger, Oshman, Williams & Strasburger LLP. See what media outlets are staying about John’s decision to join the firm.
“Houston trial lawyer John Strasburger, who has practiced for 31 years at large global firms, has joined a small trial and transactions firm in Houston, where he said he can avoid client conflicts, benefit from fee flexibility, and work at a firm with all decision-makers under one roof.”
Visit Texas Lawyer to read more. (subscription required)
“Strasburger’s experience is centered on commercial disputes ranging from private equity to financial derivatives, having tried jury and non-jury cases in state and federal courts. He played a lead role in the bankruptcies of Enron and Lehman Brothers and recently worked on the team of attorneys representing CPB Contractors Pty Ltd. in a $1.4 billion liquefied natural gas project dispute.”
Visit Law360 to read more. (subscription required)
“At a time when large corporate law firms operating in Texas have been feasting on talent from litigation boutiques, Bissinger, Oshman & Williams has landed a reply punch. The six-lawyer Houston litigation firm announced that John B. Strasburger, a partner in the trial department at Winston & Strawn, has joined [the boutique firm now known as Bissinger, Oshman, Williams & Strasburger LLP].”
Visit The Texas Lawbook to read more. (subscription required)